Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Retirement Myth For Malaysian

Retirement - something that are not in our list of things to think about when you're in 20's, 30's, or even late 40's. But when the time we reached our 50's, suddenly it got us thinking, in a few more years "I won't be working anymore, and I haven't save anything other than my EPF. Hope that would be enough."

No it won't, unless as stated in point number one below, you're earning megabucks salary, you better start doing some thinking on whether you will have enough cash to live your retirement years.

Below are 5 myth that we need to digest and understand, but it is never too late to start planning your retirement, but the longer you take too realize this, the more you will need to invest to have a sustainable way of living your post-retirement days.

Tajul Naim
CWA Financial Advisor

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